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Stage Schutz von Waren

Protecting goods

Your stored goods and their integrity are a crucial factor for the success of your company. Our various assistance systems provide optimum protection, while ensuring your productivity and delivery reliability. This lets you save time as well as costs.

Content Gesundheit 2 (1)

Jungheinrich curveCONTROL

Well-protected at every turn.

The optional curveCONTROL automatically adjusts the truck speed when cornering, depending on load and steering angle: the heavier the load, the slower the truck‘s cornering speed. This significantly decreases the risk of overturning or slipping, while enhancing warehouse safety for your employees and trucks as well as your goods.

Your benefits:

  • Safe cornering depending on load and steering angle
  • Enhancing safety of people, goods and vehicles
  • Ensuring productivity

Find more information on our products for protecting goods:

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